Used by over 5 billion people worldwide, WhatsApp has an incredible impact on health.

Surprising health benefits of WhatsApp  revealed
Surprising health benefits of WhatsApp 

A study conducted in Brazil found that WhatsApp is an effective tool to prevent chronic diseases such as loneliness and depression in older adults.

The University of São Paulo study included 603 participants from Guarulhos, all over 60 years old and registered in 24 primary health clinics.

All participants had been diagnosed with depression and were divided into two groups based on their symptoms.

The group of 298 people received eight WhatsApp messages per week for six weeks, containing educational materials on depression and behavioral guidance.

A second group of 305 people received only one insightful message.

The results showed that the group who received weekly WhatsApp messages had a 42.4% reduction in the severity of depressive symptoms, compared with a 32.2% reduction in the second group.

Researchers have found that mobile phone messaging could help treat depression in older adults. Because many older Brazilians are illiterate or have little education, WhatsApp messages contained audio and visual content instead of text.

The reduction in depressive symptoms may seem small, but given that WhatsApp messages are free and widely available, millions of people could benefit.

The researchers stressed that many people with depression don't seek treatment, and some aren't even diagnosed. This approach could help.

They also highlighted that middle-income countries have rapidly growing elderly populations but limited mental health services. Such low-cost programs could improve the situation.

The findings were published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Surprising health benefits of WhatsApp  revealed
Surprising health benefits of WhatsApp revealed

WhatsApp, a popular messaging app, doesn't have direct health benefits like exercise or meditation. However, it can have some indirect benefits:

1. Social connections: WhatsApp can help people stay connected with friends and family, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

2. Emotional support: It can provide a sense of community and support, especially during difficult times.

3. Access to health information: People can share health-related articles, tips, and resources with each other.

4. Remote consultations: In some cases, healthcare professionals may use WhatsApp for remote consultations or follow-ups.

5. Mental health support groups: WhatsApp groups can be used to connect people with shared mental health experiences, providing a safe space for support and discussion.

Remember, while WhatsApp can have some health-related benefits, it's essential to maintain a balance between screen time and physical activity, socializing, and self-care!