you can relay the signs of aging by following a simple diet anti-aging foods are essential foods that supply basic nutrients that we need to have a healthy body when you include foods in your diet that are high in antioxidants you can delay the effects of aging antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables like prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries strawberries, spinach and raspberries and are known to be great for your health. 

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Besides them here's what else you can include in your diet green leafy vegetables. 

Veggies like cabbage, cauliflower broccoli, turnip, Brussels, sprouts and radishes are all rich in vitamin C as well as anti-cancer substances they're also known to help prevent cataracts and eye problems.

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Tomatoes this vegetable is extremely rich in lycopene and antioxidant that protects one against coronary heart disease and cancer of the lung stomach mouths rectum and prostate gland. 

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Garlic is another powerful antioxidant that is known to reduce high blood pressure lower cholesterol reduce blood stickiness treating intestinal respiratory and skin infections and even heart disease.

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Soybeans have isoflavones in them that help prevent aging caused by hormone imbalances it is also known to protect against breast and prostate cancers as dimers disease osteoporosis and heart disease if you're menopausal soy will help you manage your estrogen levels.

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Berries blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrant and black grapes are all rich in phytochemicals which is a powerful antioxidant known to be great for health.

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Curd And keep the signs of aging at bay curd and honey curd or yogurt is a great immunity booster and also good for your digestive system while Honey helps prevent memory loss as well as anxiety. According to doctors and scientists, buckwheat honey has the very best variety of antioxidants and once consumed daily are often helpful for reinforcing immunity within the end of the day and this can be why honey has acknowledged to be one in all the simplest immunity boosting foods 

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Vitamin C  This helps facilitate immature skin and scleroprotein synthesis. Natural sources of vitamin C area unit citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and a few alternative vegetables.

Vitamin A  It protects the body from radiation severity. Sources of A area unit carrots, broccoli, kale, tomatoes etc.

Vitamin E This keeps the skin healthy and immature. It fights skin ageing from at intervals. Sources of antioxidant area unit vegetable oil, grains, oats, kooky and avocado.

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Teas and spices Ground cloves, cinnamon and oregano have made content of antioxidants.

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Pomegranates noted to contain helpful nutrients and antioxidants facilitate scale back force per unit area and also the impact of vessel and cardiovascular disease.

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Beans Small red beans (dried) area unit the best supply of antioxidants within the world. In fact, it's been found that 3 out of 5 of the best inhibitor potential foods area unit beans. This food item fights free radicals and is very helpful for healthy ageing. Red urinary organ beans have many antioxidants and overcome free radicals simply.

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Nuts are rich in vitamin E potassium magnesium iron zinc copper and omega-3 fatty acids include a few in your daily diet. Remember, peanuts area unit legumes and that they area unit well-known to be inflammatory. So, do not add those to your anti-ageing diet. Walnuts area unit sensible for anti-ageing as they're easy in omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids. kooky strengthen the system and take away waterlessness from the skin. Avoid rancid kooky as they're easy in free radicals.

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